The Go Between Bridge is a key component of the multi-billion dollar TransApex project. Trans Apex is designed to cater for expected growth in traffic flow within Brisbane CBD is a well designed, accessible and connected city for now and into the future. |
Geotechnical investigation was required to obtain data on the solid geology vital in the design of the bridge foundations. |
Client | Brisbane City Council |
Duration | Seven weeks spread over two years. |
Location | Overwater and land drilling in the following locations: |
| • | Stage 1 - Initial feasibility study was completed in mid 2005. This consisted of 10 land based boreholes, 5 on the West End side and 5 on the Milton side of the river; |
| • | Stage 2 - Preliminary Design was completed late 2006. This involved overwater drilling at proposed pile locations. Difficult drilling was encountered on the Milton side due to rock fill placed for bank stability. |
Drilling | Technical Facilitation: |
| • | Drilling using a Hydrapower Scout MK.3 drilling rig mounted in a dumb barge with a four point anchoring system controlled by four independent winches. |
| • | The bores were advanced by rotary mud flush techniques. |
| • | The majority of the soil sampling was undertaken by SPT, with only minimal 'undisturbed' push tube samples possible, due to the presence of frequent gravel beds. |
"As a result of the investigation the project was deemed feasible and progressed to contract stage, with construction being completed 2010." |
Gary Bruyeres | Brisbane City Council, Senior Engineer |